
quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2010

Escola britânica usa luz azul para despertar os seus discentes(estudantes; alunos)


Pósprodução: César Venâncio – Psicopedagogo.

Por Leonardo Carvalho, Atualizado: 29/11/2010 15:14
Escola britânica usa luz azul para acordar os estudantes
Agindo no “relógio interno” iluminação ajuda a acordar nos momentos de sono e acalmar nos momentos mais agitados.
Sistema desenvolvido pela Phillips tem quatro funções para momentos específicos em sala de aula
Uma das coisas mais terríveis para uma criança é lidar com a dificuldade de acordar cedo para ir ao colégio estudar, mas um experimento com uma tecnologia desenvolvida pela Phillips pode ajudar a aliviar esse sofrimento todo. Uma escola britânica começou a fazer testes com um tipo especial de lâmpada desenhada para aumentar o rendimento dos pequenos estudantes, fazendo com que eles acordem usando apenas um tipo diferenciado de luminosidade.
Com quatro tipos diferentes de iluminação, o sistema School Vision pode ser programado pelos professores de acordo com a necessidade e o “clima” entre os estudantes. Com um toque de botão, o professor pode alterar a iluminação para “foco” (com uma luz esbranquiçada que ajuda na concentração) ou “calmo” (com uma tonalidade quente, que ajuda no relaxamento). Para as atividades cotidianas, usa-se o botão “padrão”.
Para acordar os alunos, basta um toque no botão “energia” e a luz irá mudar para uma tonalidade azulada; agindo no relógio interno das crianças, a luz azulada as deixa mais alertas, segundo estudos liderados pelo psicólogo Effie Konstatinou, da City University em Londres. O especilista diz que “a luz nunca foi levada muito a sério até hoje”.
Os resultados são promissores. Testes conduzidos durante este ano na Inglaterra e em Hamburgo, na Alemanha, com 166 alunos e 18 professores demonstraram que a velocidade de leitura aumento 35% e o número de erros caiu 45% enquanto a fadiga ou hiperatividade foram reduzidas em 77% quando a luz azul era ativada.

Blue lighting trialled in British school to wake up drowsy pupils first thing in the morning

By Niall Firth
Last updated at 4:27 PM on 29th November 2010

A British school has become the first to try out special lighting that is designed to improve the performance of pupils by waking them up in the morning.
Technology firm Philips has come up with blue-tinted light designed to wake children up and become more alert by affecting their internal body clock.
The School Vision lighting system comes with four different settings, each designed to effect the children in a subtly different way.
The system is being tested at Epsom and Ewell High School in Surrey, the first place in the UK, to test the innovative approach.
The school has found that white light, shown here, helps children to focus on their work
The teacher is able to change the lighting throughout the day using a switch on the wall to suit what the children need.
The ‘Normal’ setting is for day-to-day classroom activities, while Energy gives a blue tint to the light to invigorate pupils when they need to be more active.


Focus, which is a whiter light, is designed to help children concentrate during challenging tasks while Calm, a warmer colour, makes the room more relaxed.
The panel on the classroom wall has four settings which lets teachers change the lighting
Research leader Effie Konstatinou, a psychologist at City University, London, said: ‘Lighting has not been seriously considered as a factor in performance until now.’
The system works by manipulating the children’s body clock, which is kept in balance with the light received by the eyes. It is based on research from 2002 which discovered that the amount of light the eye receives determines how the body’s Circadian system operates.
Upsetting it is what prompts jet lag, the daytime lethargy and fatigue caused by quickly crossing many time zones.
A cell at the back of the retina, called a ‘photosensitive ganglion cell turns light energy directly into brain signals.
The cells send out nerve fibres which travel within the optic nerve and connect with the clock region in the brain.
The researchers believe it is these signals that govern the body's 24-hour clock.
The school’s headteacher, Alex Russell, said that the trial had been a he success. ‘Any teacher will tell you that afternoons are much more challenging behaviourally than the morning.
‘When we put the focus lighting on the students react in an almost subliminal way. It’s addressing a genuine physiological feature.
The system has been trialled in schools in Hamburg in Germany and the results are astonishing.
A total of 166 pupils and 18 teachers took part in the year-long scientific experiment and discovered that reading speed increased by 35 per cent, number of errors fell by 45 per cent while restlessness, or hyperactivity, fell by 77 per cent when the blue light was on.

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